Life with your child in the hospital

Same infection

October 26, the weekly OR visit reveals she has the same infection.  She’s to be in the hospital for a few more weeks.  It is what it is, and disappointing, but we’ve heard this news over and over that we go with the flow.  We are there everyday except the day of OR as they say she is sedated and no need to come down.  I miss spending every nights, but my back and hip are hurting bad from all the sitting with the commuting, some sitting at hospital, sitting while doing the courts and the 3-tiered fold out sofa bed.  I’ve ordered a mattress to put over the hospital pullout sofa to make it uniform and not layered.  It works.  Nastya is there for Halia all day long and I commute daily while spending some evenings.  Sometimes I wish I didn’t put in the time to make the courts so nice, but thankfully enough members appreciate it.  They certainly know the difference when the sports desk or pool staff do the courts.  Unfortunately, the courts aren’t taken care quite as nice as when I do them.  I continue to plead with Karen, my first wife, to please stop my paying alimony.  I’m in the red again this month.  I thought we had an understanding when we met in Birmingham at Hunter’s graduation.  If I couldn’t afford it, I thought we had an understanding about the amount not putting me in the negative.  After all, she said I should have divorced for how she treated me during our marriage.  You see, the sale of the house was very disappointing and what had been valued at twice the purchase had deteriorated to the value of $5-10k over our purchase price.  I wanted to rent the house, but Karen wasn’t going to have anything to do with that. Had I known the house wasn’t going to get any value; I would never have agreed to alimony.  I was just going to give her money from the sale of the house.  I worked so hard on the house and yard for years.  I was proud of our property and enjoyed doing the landscaping.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t kept up.  I remember hearing Karen hem and haw about the house, it never once dawned on her all that I did in and around the house.  That was the main point in the St. James marital personality test on myself.  I need and don’t get any appreciation.

I am the proud father of three amazing sons, Bradley, Hunter and Chase, All 3 were boy scouts with 2 becoming eagle scouts, two played college tennis players and third could have, and they have college degrees in Chemistry, Physics, Math and Kinesiology. They are a PA at Northwestern University in Chicago, a scientific and engineering researcher at Southern Research and a soon to be PT/PA student. The addition of a beautiful baby daughter, Halina, has joined our family tree. I am currently the Tennis Director at the Club and Spa at Fiddler's Creek in Naples, Florida.