Life with your child in the hospital

Merry Christmas Galina!

Daddy and mommy couldn’t wait for today! We could spend the nights and days with our angel. She’s 7 months old! We brought down her play station so she could sit up. I wish I could lay down in bed with her and play as she wants to. I used to lie down beside her and we’d both look and play together. I’ve longed for her to sleep on my chest and be warm and happy next to daddy’s beating heart. The staff and hospital are kind and bring her presents.

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I am the proud father of three amazing sons, Bradley, Hunter and Chase, All 3 were boy scouts with 2 becoming eagle scouts, two played college tennis players and third could have, and they have college degrees in Chemistry, Physics, Math and Kinesiology. They are a PA at Northwestern University in Chicago, a scientific and engineering researcher at Southern Research and a soon to be PT/PA student. The addition of a beautiful baby daughter, Halina, has joined our family tree. I am currently the Tennis Director at the Club and Spa at Fiddler's Creek in Naples, Florida.